
1-day Positive Thinking Challenge

This may sound easy at first but trying to turn every single negative thought into a positive thought, requires to be very mindful and dedicated. Try this for a day, and even if you may not succeed the first time, keep practicing and you will see how it can transform your life!

10-day Loving-KIndness Challenge

Even though you may consider yourself a rather kind person, we can continuously keep growing our compassion for ourselves and others. During this challenge we will spread loving-kindness into this world by daily 10-minute meditation that can easily be done any time of the day!

21-day gratitude MEDITATION challenge

Gratitude is one of the best ways to increase a positive way of life. With this 21-day challenge of Gratitude Affirmation by Live The Life You Love, you can manifest gratitude into your daily routine and you can attract to yourself the life of your dreams!

Photo by Karl Solano

30-day Plank Exercise Challenge

The plank is one of the most effective physical workouts. It strengthens your core, arms legs, spine, quads, glutes, shoulders, hamstrings and triceps all at the same time – a great full body workout. This challenge will keep you in shape while also training your mind to step out of your comfort zone.

3-MONTH Journaling challenge

Journaling seems to be a new trend but it is indeed one of the best ways to reflect, be more mindful or simply keep track of your adventures when traveling or even when being at home. This challenge suggests 3 month journaling so you can make it a habit in your life but you can certainly also try it for a smaller period of time…


100 days??? Yes, that’s what shocked me at first as well! However, this challenge is all about getting more mindful about how we spend our time in one day and how we can make the most of it. It’s actually a rather easy challenge because it only requires reading one book…

1-Day Positive Thinking Challenge

Our mind naturally tends to focus on negative thoughts rather than producing positive thoughts. It's quite a challenge to change this way of thinking but it is possible! If we are mindful when negative thoughts arise in our mind, we can try to get rid of them and even develop a more positive view of life after all.

The Challenge

Be mindful of any negative thought that comes to your mind and consciously decide if you want to keep feeding it with negativity or if you'd rather give your good thoughts room to grow. Every time you catch yourself thinking in a negative way, just tell yourself "This thought is not good for me" and focus elsewhere or turn the negative thought into the opposite, a good thought!


Even though it may take some time and requires some practice to fully change your way of thinking, it's a great practice to be more calm in many different situations. If you can go through an entire day with positive thoughts and keep practicing, it will eventually become more natural and you will achieve an overall positive view of life.

10-Day Loving-Kindness Challenge

Do you know the warm feeling when someone gives you a big smile because you just did or said something nice to them? Helping others and being kind is deeply rooted in our human nature. It's just our mind that adds doubt, fear, anger, jealousy and other negative thoughts to our life which often leads to selfish behavior. Generally we do mean well but we are too busy and get distracted in this fast moving world, or our limited beliefs may hold us back from being compassionate with ourselves and others. However, it doesn't require a lot of time or effort to be kind and loving! It's those small gestures that make all our lives a little brighter each day!

The Challenge

First, it's very important to understand that loving-kindness starts with compassion for yourself. Only if we are mindful, kind and loving with ourselves, we can truly be compassionate with others. So, loving-kindness techniques are at first focused on strengthen your self-love which you can then transform into the love that you spread into the world and can share with others. When you learn how to truly accept and love yourself, you will automatically be more compassionate with your family, friends and any other human being.

There are several ways to practice loving-kindness but in this challenge we will focus on the technique of meditating. Chose a meditation that suits your style - see two examples below - and for 10 days practice this loving-kindness meditation for 10-15 minutes per day. If you wish to do a longer session, there are many other options available on YouTube so that you can find the best way that works for you!

Be sure to mindfully prepare yourself each day for this meditation and make yourself aware that you are practicing loving-kindness to become more compassionate towards yourself and others. Having the right mindset for this practice will help you to manifest the loving-kindness meditation more deeply in your thoughts and you will become accustomed to implementing kindness, love and compassion in your daily life.


The more compassionate you become with yourself, the more your positive attitude will grow towards others as well - no matter if it's in your relationship with your spouse, kids, friends, co-workers, or just when you speak to the cashier at the grocery store. Loving-kindness techniques help us to keep an open mind and to "think" with our heart! When you implement loving-kindness into your daily routine, you may notice that people react more positive towards you as well and thus life may become much brighter and joyful after all!

# 1 - Guided Loving-Kindness meditation by a Buddhist monk

# 2 - Guided Loving-Kindness meditation with relaxing music

21-Day Gratitude Affirmation Challenge

Gratitude is a wonderful practice to transform your life into a more positive way. Being grateful improves our physical health and mental well-being. It reduces stress, anger and anxiety, enhances empathy, improves self-esteem, and it creates positive connections with others. In our daily routine we take a lot of things for granted and we may forget to be grateful for life in general. While we thrive for our goals and follow our dreams, it is important to be equally grateful for the things we already have in our life and all the things life still holds in stock for us.

You can easily manifest gratitude practices in your daily routine with this wonderful Gratitude Affirmation from Live The Life You Love. Jess is an expert and great inspiration when it comes to The Law of Attraction and she shares her amazing energy with all of us in this gratitude meditation.

The Challenge

Listen to this affirmation for 21 days. You can chose any time of the day but I highly recommend doing so in the evening right before you fall asleep. While you will listen to this 12-minute recording at a frequency of 432 Hz, it will give you a strong sense of relaxation and it will start manifesting thoughts of gratitude in your mind naturally. The 432 Hz frequency ensures the brain is tuned to the "earth frequency" which has been proven to be a healing frequency as it lowers the heart rate and reduces blood pressure. If you keep up this challenge for 21 days, you may see your world transform and bring positive energy in your life!

It will also be much easier to pick up any gratitude meditation again whenever you feel like recharging your positive vibration and bring back the wonderful feeling of gratitude into your daily routine any time!


By practicing gratitude we can gain a much better understanding of the value of life. We become more mindful of what we have already achieved, what we really want in life and how we face what we cannot control. Being grateful can help to find fulfillment and bring lots of joy!

"Thank you for the air I breath. Thank you for the earth beneath my feet. Thank you for my ability to dream. Thank you for this day. Thank your for the gift of life... THANK YOU!"

If you are interested to find out more about The Law of Attraction, you can visit Live The Life You Love and watch the Law of Attraction Mastery Intro – click here!

30-Day Plank Challenge

A 30-day fitness challenge might sound a little intimidating at first. And we probably all know that it's the first few days when it's most difficult to actually get started. However, with this challenge you will not only keep your body fit but you will also learn how to mindfully keep stepping out of your comfort zone - for only 10 more seconds each day. So it should be doable!

The plank is one of the most effective physical workouts because it strengthens many body parts at once. It's a great way of daily exercise if you are short on time or if your mind simply isn't ready for that spinning class at the gym. This practice can be done anywhere at any time, and you can gradually increase your own difficulty level at your own pace.

The Challenge

Simply start on day #1 with holding the plank for as long as you can. Today don't push over your limit and just mindfully get a sense of how long you can comfortably hold your body up. Take a piece of paper to write down the initial time for day # 1. Then continuously increase the time by only 10 seconds every day. After a while it will be much easier to hold the plank longer because you only need to convince yourself each day to hold 10 more seconds than the previous day. With this daily exercise you can gradually build up your strength and it will become easier over time ...but be aware that it could also become an addiction 😉

If you make a list of 30 days on a piece of paper or log each day on your phone, you can easily keep track of your progress which should increase your motivation and will help your mind to understand that you ARE capable of doing this exercise at least as long as you did the previous day. It will then be much easier to come back every day and convince yourself that 10 seconds more are just a piece of cake and you can mindfully keep pushing yourself outside your comfort zone.


While this is very much a physical exercise, it is actually also a great way of improving your mental power. If you are able to succeed for 30 days and increasing the time only very slightly each day, you can apply this method to many other tasks in your life to help achieving your goals. Taking one step at a time can make your dreams come true!

Note: Please always be mindful of your body when doing physical exercise! Holding the plank for too long or not performing it properly could cause back pain or other health conditions. If you are not sure if this challenge is suitable for you, please consult with a doctor or health professional.

3-Month Journaling Challenge

Journaling is a great way of being more mindful and keep track of all your adventures in life - especially when you are traveling, but also at home. Whether it's a journal of gratitude, a journal of positive thinking, tracking emotions, or just to review a specific period of time in your life (travel journal, pregnancy journal, run-a-marathon journal, we-are-building-a-house journal, etc). Writing it all down makes you more aware of what you are doing, have been doing or what you are about to do. And that's when we develop mindfulness!

If we want to grow in life, we need to be mindful of our thoughts and actions. Journaling helps us to understand our progress in life but also captures the beautiful things that we sometimes don't notice throughout a busy day or during an activity packaged trip.

Our subconscious mind stores ANYTHING we ever see, hear, taste, think or feel. And just like with our phone or computer, we sometimes need to store the used data on an external drive (or in the cloud) so we can free up the space on our device to make it run more smoothly and efficient again. When you start storing your thoughts and emotions in a journal, you will free up your mind and it can run calm and joyful! 🙂

The Challenge

Take a note book or a few pieces of paper, set aside s specific time of the day - ideally in the morning or evening, put your mind to the intention of your journaling topic, and write down 2-3 sentences per day for 3 months. You can alternatively use electronic notes, but I highly recommend getting back to pen and paper because our brain is more active and receptive during the actual "old-school" writing process. For this challenge simply focus on noting either 3 things that you are grateful for or 3 positive things for that day. Ideally chose one or the other and try to stick with it for the entire challenge, but if it gets too difficult you can also mix them up.


By writing down the positive things or what we are grateful for each day, it challenges us to be more mindful about our day or the journey we take. We become more conscious of our surroundings and the smaller achievements in our daily routine because we automatically get more attached to the positive events, and it helps to create a more positive view of life overall.

100-Day Stopping Time Challenge

Are you dreaming about stopping time? With this book you can! ...well, at least to a certain extend. While we may all dream of stopping time (usually during pleasant moments) or we want time to pass more quickly (when we suffer), we need to accept that the clock will keep ticking and the world will keep turning, no matter what. That's simply the true nature of life. So what can we do instead? We can be more mindful of our time and try to spend it wisely!

Pedram Shojai, OMD, writes in his book: "Time is the currency of life. We have a certain amount of heartbeats with which to savor life and really taste it." ... "Time is all we have, and it's our most valuable gift in life. When we run out, well, the game is over. We can look back, but we can't get it back." ... "When we don't have a positive connection with the flow of time, we lack purpose."

In this book he wonderfully guides you through what he calls "time prosperity" - a way of understanding how to bring back fulfillment and purpose into our life without feeling stressed or overwhelmed.

The Challenge

Take this 100-day challenge by just reading ONE book!There is only a brief chapter of 2-3 pages with a suitable practice each day. Pedram Shojai, OMD, calls it the "100-Day-Gong" ... "Based on an ancient Chinese practice, a gong is a designated amount of time that you allot to perform a specific task every day." ... "Because it takes at least 90 days for a particular good habit to burn into your nervous system, I have found the 100-Day-Gong to be the most appropriate length to practice." .... "Some practices will stick, and others will not. That's fine. The key is to slowly and gently unlock more time and therefor more energy and enthusiasm in your life through practice."


Once you finish this 100-day challenge, you will not only have a better understanding of the value of time, but you can also learn how to implement other habits in your life as well. There are great techniques how we can become more mindful of our time and spend it wisely with our loved ones, so we can live a joyful life!

Find more information about the book here